Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Sitting in class looking at the latest edition of All In Magazine (compliments of Party Points), I can't help but notice the mean and angry faces of the professional players. Players like Phil Ivy and Michael Mizrachi look as if they are killers on the prowl. That got me think about intimidation on the poker tables. If I had those two, and let's say Allen Cunningham and Negreanu at my table, I would feel a little intimidated. I don't know why, I mean really, they are card players, not killers.

Then I thought what the hell, I spend all my time with killers, I mean stone cold killers. If I took any one of those poker players and put them in my shoes, they would feel intimidated. I would like to see them sit with Inmate H. (Killed 6 people with her boyfriend after they took the victims at gunpoint and stole their ATM money), Inmate O. (Shot her boyfriend in the head from less than one inch away, and then cut off his left foot below the knee, all five of the right fingers, tried to cut the torso in half and peeled the entire skin from the left hand, while using a paint scrapper. Oh yes, pulled out his teeth with pliers), Inmate R. (Bit off her grandson's penis) and Inmate L. (Cut off her mother's head) and let's not forget the Wendy's Chili girl. All of these people, including Inmate D. (Threw 3 of her 4 children off a 405 freeway overpass in rush hour traffic in the LA area) are the players I spend my day with, and to be honest, I don't think twice about it.

So intimidation is due to being uncomfortable and lacking confidence and knowledge. I think the pro's would have a hard time in my business because they lack the knowledge and confidence to deal one on one with people of questionable backgrounds. As I would have a hard time playing poker against them because I lack the detailed knowledge and confidence required to play at such a deep and thoughtful level. So why should I ever feel intimidated? I mean it is not my life that is at stake, or by the looks of their advertising, maybe it is. POKER!

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